Last updated: June 17, 2024
It’s unfortunate that sometimes, our sense of self-esteem doesn’t match who we are in reality. For example, we’ve all met people with unappealing character traits such as envy, arrogance, and even anger think they’re the best ever, as if they were gracing you with their presence. Moreover, we’ve all met someone utterly lovely inside and out who struggles with self-esteem and looks to any opportunity to be self-critical.
Now, we’re not here to advocate for people to feel better or worse about themselves of course, but if we were pressed, building people up is so much better than bringing them down.
That goes for ourselves, too. After all, how you think about yourself and the internal conversation you have about who you are and what you have to offer is essential to get right.
So – let’s discuss a few methods of building your inner sense of worth, and why that matters so much:
Acknowledge Your Achievements
It’s unlikely that you have absolutely nothing to be proud of in life, but it’s very easy for us to feel that way.
Acknowledging your achievements isn’t the same thing as arrogance, its in providing credit where it’s due and feeling comforted that yes, you’re not so bad after all.
For example, if you’re overweight and decide to go for a run, how do you think about it? Do you think “well, I should have been doing this anyway, it’s my fault I’ve been so lacklustre physically” or do you think “well, despite bad habits, I’m really making a difference and I’m so glad I get the chance to do it.”
One of these is rooted in criticism, one rooted in gratitude. The latter makes it so much easier to give yourself the respect that yes, you absolutely deserve.
Treat Yourself
Imagine if a friend spent some time out of their day to find a thoughtful gift, however, humble, and a small note to tell you how much you mean to them.
You would be amazed and moved by the gesture. So, why can’t you do the same to yourself?
Writing yourself a note about how much you love yourself could be a little much, sure, but a nice treat to celebrate life for no real reason at all, be that a new jacket, a comfortable Ralph Lauren tracksuit for those comfortable days, or even a new musical instrument to enjoy a new hobby can help you realize that yes, you do deserve to enjoy nice things in life without endless qualifications for it.
It’s more about the principle and not the monetary count, but that gesture really does reinforce your self-worth, as it should.
Learn from Setbacks Positively
No sense of worth should ever be divorced from the difficult side of life, because if it is, then setbacks we all go through can degrade your self-worth.
Even a small thing like telling a joke that doesn’t land, up to realizing your temper has gotten the better of you or that you’ve made a mistake, all of this can be forgiven if you learn from those changes correctly or realize that often (like when telling that bad joke), life isn’t so serious mistakes have to become mountains.
With this advice, we hope you can more easily build up that inner sense of self-worth you absolutely deserve to curate.
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